A pitch is an opportunity for a company to attract capital by meeting with investors and pitching the company and its product. A successful pitch has the potential to generate funding for the company and jump start future business. It is important how you look to investors, so practicing a pitch is not a suggestion, but a necessity.
What you can do
A practice pitch will allow you to review the essential aspects of your business model. You want to be confident and know all the material in the presentation about your company. Some of the most common mistakes occur when presenters know their presentation but are thrown for a loop when investors ask unexpected questions. Not familiarizing yourself with every aspect of your company gives a poor image to investors and shows that you don’t know the details of your business.
How you present yourself and the pitch visually are two key aspects to pitching. A few of the most important mannerisms are eye contact, confidence in your voice, and hand gestures. With those three components in your pitch there is a higher possibility that investors will invest, or will at least recognize you as a confident person of business.
How to fix the material
The material in your pitch should be tailored to the group you are pitching to. When giving a presentation, it is important to use a concise pitch, talking about the most relevant topics. If you go off topic or provide unnecessary details in a pitch it can lose investors’ attention.
Another key component to a great pitch is capturing and holding the attention of the audience. When discussing the company and the topics important to investors it is important to add interesting details or discuss with excitement. Throwing a joke or two into the pitch shows the audience you are relaxed and helps hold their attention.
Who will you be talking to
One of the most important things to research prior to the actual pitch is your audience. Knowing your audience allows you to tailor the material to their interest which can yield more successful investments. When you know your investors, you can hit key talking points and relate better to them. Knowing your investors provides insight to what they want to invest in and what they want to know.