Connecting The Dots
Trust. Transparency. Traction.
Companies Funded
capital raised with our plans
A boutique consulting firm, Boardwalk Advisors consistently meets the needs of numerous start-ups and emerging growth companies who are seeking the level of expertise to scale or raise start-up capital. “I inspire CEOs to go after what they want,” says Beth Corson, President and CEO of Boardwalk Advisors, LLC, of her influence on these companies and their leaders.
Corson’s originality has manifested itself in the way she brands herself and Boardwalk Advisors, LLC. When the standard is men in black suits sitting in dimly lit offices; Corson has developed her own trademark on business. Nestled away on the sixth floor of the historical Comeau Building in downtown West Palm Beach, Corson has left her mark. Crisp white desks and ‘Boardwalk Blue’ accent walls create a simplistic and refreshing work environment for her growing team. The positive energy in the office is palpable. A constant flow of conference calls and meetings occupy her space – meetings that help shape, refine, and polish these young companies into the players of tomorrow’s big business.
Corson’s ability to capitalize her time and leverage her industry relationships is what drives many of the deals she’s facilitates. With a solid team compiling financial reports, performing extensive due diligence, and perfecting presentation decks, Corson can successfully transform a chef with a ‘life changing’ soup into a money-making national company which draws in the interest of heavy hitter investors.
Corson is selective when it comes to the companies she and her team works with. For her, there is more than just money and investments at stake. Relationships are key for the Boardwalk Advisors team – something that is driven by Corson’s unique brand of business.
“Giving people jobs. Creating new businesses – new companies – that’s what we do. We turn ideas and conversations into structures that lead to the creation of real businesses. We tell the story and bring in investors; we make introductions that generate capital. We make the company a reality. Inspiring businesses, finding resources, creating success stories. That’s the cool factor of what we do.”
Corson rarely completes a round of investments with a company and walks away. Every investor knows Corson and the standards she consistently maintains – which is why they continue to trust her. If she feels something is not right, she has no qualms about walking away and making room for someone else. Corson maintains an active list of emerging companies that want to gain insight from her years of experience. She takes her influence seriously and does not overwhelm her team. She maintains focus on a small number of companies at a time in order to truly invest in their growth.
Armed with her reputation and list, there is no end in sight for what Corson and the Boardwalk team can do.
Are you interested in learning what the Boardwalk Advisors team can do for you or your business? We are ready to listen and gain an in-depth understanding of your product or service and your vision for the future. Click here to get in touch with the Boardwalk team.
San Diego
El Cortez
San Diego, CA
Phone: +1.619.237.1338
[email protected]
West Palm Beach
The Comeau
West Palm Beach, FL
For Sales: 561.855.1346
Phone: +1.561.328.0084
[email protected]