What is a C-Level Team?

A C-Level team is one of the most important components in a functioning business. The C-Level team is comprised of high ranking officers in the company who make corporate-level decisions. Their salaries and titles are generally the highest in the company due to the heavy workload and pressure of decision making. These high-level individuals are responsible for providing leadership and direction to the company. In order to be a C-Level team member one must have extensive experience in an applicable industry. There are many C-Level positions that vary for each company and industry.

Common C-Level Positions

Generally, most companies have a minimum of 1 C-Level position. The first and foremost position in any company is the CEO, or Chief Executive Officer. The individual in this role usually delegates and has the final say in any important company decisions. The CEO is typically not involved in any daily operations, rather, they spend most of their time on big picture decisions. Another important C-Level job is the CFO, or Chief Financial Officer. The CFO oversees the company’s finances and makes sure that financial regulations are being followed. The last top position that a common company has is the COO, or Chief Operating Officer. The COO oversees day-to-day aspects of the company and is usually second in command, right behind the CEO. The COO’s job can be compared to being the CEO of daily operations while making smaller-scale decisions. conducts daily tasks and is somewhat of the daily CEO which makes the little decisions. The CMO or Chief Marketing Officer is in charge of the company’s strategy in marketing the business and is responsible for how the company is perceived in the public eye. These four positions found in almost every operating company help in clarifying work delegation.

Uncommon C-Level Positions

Although the positions listed above are common, there are many C-Level positions that are less common:
Chief Information Officer (CIO)– The CIO oversees managing the company’s information systems and technology. They are usually the head of the research and development branch of the company. Companies with CIO’s are normally found in the technology industry.

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)– The CHRO manages the human capital of the company and ensures that all employees are in a positive working environment.

Chief Analytics Officer (CAO)– The CAO manages and interprets the company’s data to further understand and give an insight to other officers. The CAO’s are usually found in industries with data.

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)– The CSO does not lead on the business strategy but provides insight and their professional opinion on it, usually for the CEO.
C-Level positions are prestigious and face great pressure due to the knowledge and accountability required for the job, so it is essential to place the correct individual at each level.